出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:In this work we discuss how the loss of particle-antiparticle identity due to CPT violation affects
the observables in the decay of two neutral EPR-correlated B-mesons. We study this possible new
effect in the context of equal-sign avour specic decays and we nd a considerable modication
in the Dt-dependence of the equal-sign dilepton charge asymmetry, Asl . Although the more important
changes occur right outside the Dt region that has been up-to-the-date effectively explored,
we show that a deeper experimental research may be able to distinguish a possible existence of
this new CPT violating parameter, w. In any case, using the available data for Asl , we put the rst
limits on w.