In psychological research
sometimes non-parametric procedures are in use in cases, where the corresponding
parametric procedure is preferable. This is mainly due to the fact that we pay
too much attention to the possible violation of the normality assumption which
is needed to derive the exact distribution of the statistic used in the
parametric approach.
An example is the t-test and its non-parametric
counterpart, the Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney) test. The Wilcoxon test compares
the two distributions and may lead to significance even if the means are equal
due to the fact that higher moments in the two populations differ. On the other
hand the t-test is so robust against non-normality that there is nearly no need
to use the Wilcoxon test. In this paper results of a systematic research of the
robustness of statistical procedures against non-normality are presented. These
results have been obtained in a research group in Dummerstorf (near Rostock)
some years ago and have not been published systematically until now. Most of the results are based on extensive
simulation experiments with 10 000 runs each. But there are also some exact
mathematically derived results for very extreme deviations from normality (two-
and three-point distributions). Generally the results are such that in most
practical cases the parametric approach for inferences about means is so robust
that it can be recommended in nearly all applications.