In a re-analysis of the Shell Youth Survey 2002 we construct
socio-demographically distinctive structure types regarding life values amongst
German youth. First, factor analysis will be applied to 24 items to construct
useful scales (sum indices). Subsequently these items will be categorized
according to sociological and statistical considerations. Using CFA and multiple
correspondence analyses, structure types can be explored (numerically and
graphically), corresponding to the interpretations of the authors of the Shell
Youth Survey. The structure types we identify are then examined in order to
explore the relative explanatory power of
socio-demographic characteristics
(sex, age, class affiliation and East vs. West German states). We demonstrate
that the method of classification trees (CHAID), prediction CFA
(Fuchs-Kenett-Residues) and the Kimball-Castellan-Test complement one another.
Regarding software use we demonstrate that all the data preparation and
statistical tasks can be carried out using the standard statistical software
SPSS. We identify four categories of life values, which can be only partly
attributed to the respective socio-demographic characteristics, however.