出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We perform N-Body/SPH simulations of disk galaxy formation inside equilibrium spherical and
triaxial cuspy dark matter halos. We systematically study the disk properties and morphology
as we increase the numbers of dark matter and gas particles from 104 to 106 and change the
force resolution. The force resolution influences the morphological evolution of the disk quite
dramatically. Unless the baryon fraction is significantly lower than the universal value, with high
force resolution a gaseous bar always forms within a billion years after allowing cooling to begin.
The bar interacts with the disk, transferring angular momentum and increasing its scale length. In
none of the simulations does the final mass distribution of the baryons obey a single exponential
profile. Indeed within a few hundred parsecs to a kiloparsec from the center the density rises
much more steeply than in the rest of the disk, and this is true irrespective of the presence of the