期刊名称:Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science
出版社:University of Oradea
摘要:In order to accomplish the joining criteria, the European Union offers unpayable
financial assistance to former communists countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The preadheration
instruments are mainly directed towards the economical development on long
term, towards the investments in transportation and in environment protection and towards
the agricultural and rural development.
Beginning with the year 2000 and until the end of 2006, the European Union supports
the countries that candidate to the European integration process by three financial
instruments: PHARE, ISPA, SAPARD.
But the European Union has financial support programs for the countries that have
become members of the European Union, even after 2007, which reffer to very well defined
thematical domains, such as:
- The Social European Fund, meant to promote jobs and to encourage workers mobility
on European Community teritory;
- The European Fund For Orientation and Guarantee in Agriculture (reffering to the
finance of community agricultural politics) – Orientation Section, which contributes to the
development and the structural fitting of rural areas with delays in development, by improving
the efficency of production structures, of manufacture and of trade of agricultural and forest
- The European Fund for Region Development, which constitute the pillar of region
politics and whose help is directed towards the regions left behind from the development point
of view, but also towards those who have structural and economical re-conversion difficulties.
- The Financial Instrument for Orientation of Fishing, which is a structural financial
instrument directed towards the fishing domain.
Besides these structural funds, there has been a Cohesion Fund since 1993. This fund
finances transportation and environment infrastructures in countries whose PIB on an
inhabitant is below 90% of the community average. Now, the following countries can benefit by
The Cohesion Fund: Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal.
Our paper presents the methodology of administration of a certain type of financial
support, belonging to PHARE programs, then the finance of some projects through “The
Factories and Proffesional Re-conversion Restructural Program”.