出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:This study discusses the profile of eight corporate environmental programs implemented by different companies, located in five Brazilian states. The study identified and reflected on the content and environmental activities developed by these companies, under Mata’s theoretical framework (1996), concerning the removal/estrangement to the environment; Reigota (1994), emphasizing the importance of the reflexive component of the environmental education and Simons (2006), who points out the passivity in the transmission of the knowledge originating from the companies. The results point the dissociation in the conception between Social Responsibility and environmental issues; punctual environmental programs; a concept far from the environment, turned to nature, the minimum execution of the technical requirements of Norm ISO 14000, insufficient number of professionals to act in the environmental sector, the existence of so-called educational programs to certain groups of employees from some sectors just prior to audits, among others.