The idea of irrigation is not new, irrigation stems as far back as the Egyptians and probably
further in unrecorded history. Even the idea of automated irrigation is not new, mankind has figured out
how to irrigate large areas of foliage through the use of automated and drop irrigation systems. Efficient,
automated irrigation systems, which can irrigate plants to a desired level and supply those plants with just
the amount of water required for normal an uptake plant growth, are currently not available. These systems,
if developed, could reduce waste of irrigated water. The irrigation controller is the "brain" of an entire
irrigation system. It supervises the flow of water and fertilizer to the plants, therefore, enables the farmer,
or the gardener, to obtain optimized results: A successful crop or a beautiful garden, by using an optimum
amount of water and fertilizer. Nowadays computerized control is very essential for the greenhouse
irrigation control. Many conventional methods for controlling greenhouse irrigation are not effective since
they are either based on on-off control methods or proportional control methods. This results in a loss of
energy and productivity. The paper presents a solution for an irrigation controller based on the fuzzy-logic
methodology. First, it describes the general problem of irrigation. Then, it discusses the physical control
model. The developed Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) prototype is based on a Mamedani controller and it is
built on MATLAB software. Following the discussion and the formal presentation of the fuzzy controller,
the paper provide examples that will show the simplicity in designing and constructing such a system and
other advantages of using fuzzy logic in the feedback control problem. The developed fuzzy logic
controller can effectively estimate amount of water uptake of plants in distinct depth using the reliable
irrigation model, evapotranspiration functions, environmental conditions of greenhouse, soil type, type of
plant and another factors affecting the irrigation of greenhouse.