摘要:The current paper aims to evaluate the lumbar-sacral algo-functional syndromes with a muscular-ligament
cause and to establish a staged program for its functional recovery which would also prevent reoccurrences and/ or
complications, these being relatively frequent and with important functional implications [1]. These ailments,
specific to patients who are at an active age have a particular social impact, important morbidity and can be easily
mistaken for more serious lumbar-sacral ailments, thus leading to disproportionately serious, but inefficient for the
real cause, treatments [4].
The study was made over a period of 6 months, on 18 patients with lumbar-sacral syndrome with a muscularligament
cause, diagnosed as a result of clinical and paraclinic evaluation, an alternative etiology of the syndrome
being excluded. The patients were integrated into a functional re-education programme which included drug
therapy (anti-inflammatory +/- relaxant medication), physically-kinetically supported (thermal-kinetic-massage
therapy), staged into 2 weeks, one and 3-6 months intervals, respectively. The results obtained emphasise the
improvement in the clinical parameters form one stage to the other, in the third stage of the programme reaching a
semi-complete (over 90%) recovery of the affected areas, compared to the initial stages.