Virtual organizations that perform the activity in the virtual workplace (cyberspace) will play a more and more important role within the global economy. Telecommuting (teleworking) is a concept strongly related to cybecorporation and cyberspace. In order to determine: (a) the usage level of telecommuting according to the field of activity and the size of the organization; (b) the reasons that determine the organizations to appeal to telecommuting; and (c) the teleworker profile, I carried out a survey based on a sample of 150 managers from all types of organizations: commerce, production, services. The survey highlights the fact that only a reduced number of organizations have started „ to make a move” related to teleworking. Some of the organizations do not understand the concept; others have heard about it but are still reluctant to it, while other organizations have not heard of this concept.
telecommuting, teleworker, information technology, cyberspace, cybrcorporation.