The places of depart of my study aim of at one quote, the report that the young people with university studies are attracted by the professional offers of countries Westerner and they leave in these countries, and the other one quoted than there is a general indifference, in our country, on the phenomen of " migration of brains ".
Having on the base this perception of the social reality, my research centres on the analysis of the problems connected to the motivation and to the professional university satisfaction of the assistants professors.
The echatillon of the subjects which participated has this research consisted of 30 young teachers.
For studied the relation enters the potential motivator of work and the professional satisfaction (with all its constituents) were used the following ones instruments: J.D.S (Job Diagnosis Survey) JDI (Job Descriptive Index) and JIG (Job in General) The resultats of this recheche has just put the bases of a program of reconfiguration of employment of the teachers of universities, by valuing the information on their motivation and their professional satisfaction.
job satisfaction, job characteristics, motivation