This work is based on two curricular proposals for Science
Education - Thematic and Study Situation - which are supported by the
theories of both the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire and the Russian Lev S.
Vygotsky, respectively. Those curricular organizations, characterized
methodologically in two case studies, were structured and developed in a
course of Natural Sciences of Elementary School Classes. Both the
recordings and the reflections were obtained by two methodological
instruments: a) students’ productions; b) teacher’s daily registers. Among
the results, we observed that some conceptions of both Freire and Vygotsky
such as problematization (Freire’s) and conceptual signification (Vygotsky’s)
complement each other. This complementarity may enrich both curricular
proposals on the point of improving new/different curricular organizations
for Science Education in which the relation among political-pedagogical and
conceptual aspects is central.ogy.