期刊名称:Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi
出版社:Selcuk University
摘要:The purpose of this study was to examine the self-efficacy beliefs and epistemological beliefsof prospective school administrator regarding to some demographic variables. “EpistemologicalBeliefs Scale” which was developed by Schommer (1990) and validity and reliability studies weredone for Turkish population by Deryakulu and Büyüköztürk (2002) and “Teacher Self-EfficacyScale” developed by Schwarzer, Schmitz, and Daytner (1999) based on Bandura’s self-efficaytheory were used for data collection. Participants were 138 master students from SelcukUniversity, Department of Educational Administration Supervision Planning and Economics.Within the study, relationship between administrator candidates’ self-efficacy beliefs andepistemological beliefs were examined. Also, administrator candidates’ self-efficacy beliefs andepistemological beliefs were investigated regarding to their gender and school type.