摘要:Personality disorders are a considerable risk factor for suicidal behavior. In psychological
autopsy studies, individuals with personality disorders are frequently found among suicide victims. Suicidal
attempts (which are a major risk factor for completed suicide) are also an important issue among affected
patients. We performed careful MedLine, Excerpta Medica, PsycLit and PsycINFO searches from 1980 to
2004. Search terms were “suicide”, “personality disorders”, “mortality”, “follow-up”. We identified studies
dealing with suicide and the following areas of interest: borderline personality disorder, narcissistic
personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, comorbidity (especially with affective disorder and
substance abuse disorder) and risk factors for suicide in personality disorders. Despite the fact that
comorbidity with DSM-IV Axis I disorders often impairs a correct judgment of suicidality in personality
disorders, this overview showed that some personality disorders have a stronger link to suicide and that
identifiable risk factors may be used for the development of preventive measures. Given the fact that
personality disorders have high prevalence in the general population, prediction and prevention of suicide
among these individuals is a problem of public health.