标题:¿La política industrial de cluster/redes mejora realmente la competitividad empresarial? Resultados de la evaluación de dos experiencias en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi
出版社:Servicio central de publicacion. Gobierno Vasco
摘要:Driven in part by the desire to maximize the use of public resources in policy
assistance, interest in developing and testing new methodological approaches to
evaluate such industrial policies has been steadily rising. This interest is
even higher in policies devised through clusters and networks where, in general,
there has been a lack of evaluation, mainly because of the difficulties in
defining the object to be evaluated. We will contrast our method in two cases:
the first one is a cluster association in the Basque Country, the second case is
Ezagutza Gunea, for qualification and knowledge management integrated by
seventeen agents and launched by the municipalities of Azkoitia and Azpeitia.