摘要:The estimation of new cancers due to professional exposures each year in France is between 15,000 and 20,000; about 25% of retired males have been professionally exposed to asbestos, and 8% to wood dust. Since 1995, a post-professional medical followup (SPP) exists, but is widely unknown. The Spirale program follows two aims: of public health, identifying eligible persons for SPP and taking them to it, and of epidemiological research on professional exposures long time effects and advantages from SPP.Spirale is leaded by the Inserm/CNAMTS 687 Unit which locates former employees exposed to carcinogens during their professional life course, using a self questionnaire, and the Assurance maladie (National Health Insurance) Health care centers (CES) which evaluate and confirm exposures and help people to obtain SPP.The Spirale pilot period took place in 13 CES in 2006 and 2007, targeting about 50000 new retired males; it identified 1,751 asbestos professional exposures and 684 wood dust ones. It raised asbestos SPP requests by 45% and wood dust ones by 600%. Besides, about 85% of exposed persons have agreed for an epidemiological follow-up.Looking for a whole territory spread order, the Assurance maladie decided to continue Spirale in 2008 in the 13 pilot CES.
关键词:Post-occupational medical follow-up ; employees ; asbestos ; wood dust ; cancer ; occupational diseases.