出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We study the finite-temperature behavior of the A2 condensate in the Landau gauge of SU(2)
Yang–Mills theory on the lattice in a wide range of temperatures. The asymmetry between the
electric (temporal) and magnetic (spatial) components of this unconventional dimension-2 condensate
is a convenient, ultraviolet-finite quantity which possesses, as we demonstrate, unexpected
properties. The low-temperature behavior of the condensate asymmetry suggests that the
mass of the lowest thermal excitation in the condensate is unexpectedly low, about 200 MeV,
which is much smaller than the glueball mass. The asymmetry is peaked at the phase transition,
being a monotonically decreasing function in the deconfinement phase. A symmetric point is
reached in the deconfinement phase at a temperature approximately equal twice the critical temperature.
This behavior of the electric-magnetic asymmetry of the condensate separates the phase
diagram of Yang-Mills theory into three regions. We suggest that these regions are associated with
the condensed, liquid and gaseous states of the confining gluonic objects, the Abelian monopoles.