出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We present an internal shocks model to investigate particle acceleration and radiation production
in microquasar jets. The jet is modelled with discrete ejecta at various time intervals. These ejecta
(or ’shells’) may have different properties including the bulk velocity. Faster shells can catch up
and collide with the slower ones, thus giving rise to shocks. The particles are accelerated inside
the shocked plasma. Each collision results in a new shell, which may take part in any subsequent
collisions as well as radiate due to synchrotron radiation. Almost continuous energy dissipation
along the jet can be obtained with a large number of shell collisions. We investigate the spectral
energy distribution of such jets as well as the physical significance of various parameters (e.g. the
time interval between ejections and the shell size)