Radiation-induced haemorrhagic proctitis is a complication of radiotherapy for pelvic
malignancies, which is caused by submucosal fibrosis and endarteritis obliterans gives a rise to
telangiectatic neovasculature which is fragile and prone to bleeding. A number of treatment
strategies of haemorrhagic radiation proctitis have been described. According to latest studies,
from minimally invasive options formalin application and argon plasma coagulation seem to be
most effective and safe. Formalin application is simple and inexpensive method of treatment.
A case report of a patient, who underwent faecal diversion due to uncontrollable bleeding
caused by radiation proctitis and was later successfully treated by formalin application,
enabling restoration of continuity of gastrointestinal tract and remains symptom free after 2
years, is presented>«