摘要:Significant economic progress
has been achieved on many
fronts in recent years: Canada¡¯s
gross domestic product has been
growing faster and, in 1999, exceeded
that of other members of the
Group of Seven industrial nations;
unemployment has been reduced to
its lowest level in about 25 years; inflationary
pressures, which were
dramatically reduced in the early
1990s, have continued to be held in
check; and, after years of deficits,
governments have begun to generate
significant surpluses. Canadians¡¯
quality of life is the envy of
citizens from most nations. In international
assessments of the best
places in the world to live, Canada
still ranks at the top. To ensure their
continued prosperity, however, Canadians
must effectively address
the significant competitiveness
challenges arising from changes in
the global economic environment.
Organizations, individuals and governments
must work together to
build the capacities that lead to success
in this highly competitive