期刊名称:HIER Discussion Paper Series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research
出版社:Harvard Institute of Economic Research
摘要:This paper studies the effect of randomness in per-period matching on the
long-run outcome of non-equilibrium adaptive processes. If there are many
matchings between each strategy revision, the randomness due to matching will be
small; our question is when a very small noise due to matching has a negligible
effect. We study two different senses of this idea, and provide sufficient
conditions for each. The less demanding sense corresponds to sending the
matching noise to zero while holding fixed all other aspects of the adaptive
process. The second sense in which matching noise can be negligible is that it
doesn’t alter the limit distribution obtained as the limit of the invariant
distributions as an exogeneous “mutation rate” goes to zero. When applied to a
model with mutations, the difference between these two senses is in the order of
limits: the first sense asks for continuity of e.g. the ergodic distribution in
the matching noise holding the mutation rate fixed, whereas the second sense
asks for continuity of the limit distribution in the matching noise.