期刊名称:CERT Discussion Paper / Center for Economic Reform and Transformation
摘要:We analyze comprehensive manufacturing firm data to
measure the contribution of inter-firm employment reallocation to aggregate
productivity growth during the socialist and reform periods in six transition
economies. Modifying a standard decomposition technique to better reflect the
role of firm entry, we find that reallocation rates and productivity
contributions are very low under socialism. After reforms, they rise
dramatically, and productivity contributions greatly exceed those observed in
market economies. Early in transition, faster reform is associated with larger
contributions from reallocation, but later, and on average over the whole
transition, this relationship is reversed. Though reallocation rates are larger
in faster reforming economies, higher productivity dispersion in slower
reformers creates much higher productivity gains for a given volume of
reallocation. The results imply that reallocation should be viewed as necessary
regular maintenance for a well-functioning economy, and particularly large
productivity contributions tend to reflect previous neglect more than current