标题:Global copyright protection and the challenge of digital piracy; The measurement and effects of nontariff barriers to trade in basic telecommunication services
摘要:Copyright industries are among the fastest growing in the world and are particularly important to the
U.S. economy because the performance of these industries is characterized by above-average growth in output
and employment and higher-than-average wages and salaries. According to a study completed in 2002, the
value of output accounted for by U.S. copyright-based industries, including those producing computer
software, printed materials, movies, home videos, compact discs (CDs), audiocassettes, and other media
products, rose during 1977-2001, at an average annual growth rate of 7 percent, compared with 3 percent for
the remainder of the U.S. economy.2 In 2002, those industries accounted for $535.1 billion in value added,
or more than 5 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, domestic employment in copyright-based industries more than
doubled between 1977 and 2001, to 4.7 million workers, representing an average annual growth rate of 5
percent, or almost 3 times the rate of growth of the U.S. economy as a whole.