出版社:Urad za Makroekonomske Analize in Razvoj (UMAR) / Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD)
摘要:Employment-related state aid
assists in resolving problems of
labour market rigidity. They are
especially appropriate for resolving
the problem of people who are practically
unemployable and of unemployment
in less developed regions.
In Slovenia, employment-related
state aids were especially high in
1999 and 2000; more recently they
have been on a downward trend.
The data indicate that Slovenia
has problems with the structure of
this aid (domination of public services,
and of low-tech and labour
intensive industries as recipients
of aid) as well as with their allocation
(high concentration, on the
one hand, and high dispersion of
aid, on the other). Analysis of the
efficiency of employment-related
state aid, by applying the matching
method, shows that they are a
successful instrument of policy to
increase employment. The impact
of aid on employment is highest in
the first year after the allocation of
aid, but also remains positive and
statistically significant in the next
two years.