出版社:Urad za Makroekonomske Analize in Razvoj (UMAR) / Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD)
摘要:The relative economic importance of the defence sector in the economy is declining, which is confi rmed by data on military
expenditures as a share of government expenditures, on military expenditures as a share of gross domestic product, and on
military personnel as a share of the total labour force. From a comparative point of view, in terms of the relative economic
importance of the defence sector in the economy, Slovenia is rather similar to other European Union (EU) countries as regards
both the level of its relative importance and its tendencies over time. A considerable increase is apparent regarding the import
of arms and munitions from the EU-27 countries, whereas the export of related products has stagnated and only slightly
increased in 2007, which has resulted in Slovenia having a considerable trade defi cit regarding these products with the EU-27
countries. Slovenian enterprises are aware of importance of diff erent norms regarding security and standards for products in the
defence-supply chain, whereas so far they have less experience with elements of protectionism in the international arms trade.
Almost half of the Slovenian enterprises in defence-based industries and technologies are small enterprises involved in service
activities. The production capacities and employees in enterprises in the defence sector have above average productivity, but
are less profi table due to higher costs. The effi ciency of involvement in the defence-supply chain is assessed as suffi cient. Most
enterprises do not develop double-use products, i.e. for military and civil purposes, and as well they have not been engaged
as sub-contractors in public procurements. The research and development activities of enterprises in the defence sector are
above average. Almost two-thirds of enterprises have established cooperation with other defence enterprises in Slovenia and
abroad. Most enterprises claim that the size of the enterprise and even more the size of the country do matter in the defencesupply
chain, as well as that cooperation and networking with foreign enterprises in the defence sector provide opportunities
for survival and future development. This implies that there exist greater opportunities for the defence sector with regard to
the economic development of Slovenia. These enterprises would welcome an institution that would monitor and provide
information to the defence industry, and coordinate and provide guidelines for further development.
关键词:defence sector, importance in the economy, international trade, comparative analysis, enterprise, Slovenia,
European Union