期刊名称:Departmental Discussion Papers / University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
出版社:University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
摘要:The process aimed at discovering new ideas is an economic activity whose
returns are intrinsically uncertain. In a standard neo-Schumpeterian growth
framework we assume that, when deciding upon R&D e¡èorts, economic agents
hold .ambiguous beliefs.about the exact probability of arrival of the next ver-
tical innovations, and face ambiguity via the
..MEU decision rule (Ghirardato
et al. (2004)). Along the steady-state equilibrium the higher the agents.ambi-
guity aversion (
), the lower the R&D e¡èorts and, coeteris paribus, the overall
economic performance. Consistently with a cross-country empirical evidence,
this causal mechanism suggests that, together with the pro.tability conditions
of the economy, di¡èerent .cultural.attitudes towards ambiguity may contribute
to explain the di¡èerent R&D intensities observed across countries.
关键词:Schumpeterian growth, ambiguity, cultural attitude towards
Ambiguity, arrival rate of innovation, R&D investments.