This article presents the results of a study on the transfer of learning between the school, in this case a Youth Training and Recycling Centre (CFER), and the workplace. The results compare data obtained from three categories of subjects – students, teachers, and employers. The data takes into account the questions of social and professional insertion, the role of key figures (teachers and employers), interest in general training, and preparation for the labour market. The similarity between the training activity and the workplace emerged as an important factor in reflections and discussions on transfer of learning. In agreement with certain research results, such as those of Pilon (1993) and Taylor (1998), we reaffirm that the employer plays, or should play, a complementary role or a “relaying” role to that of the teacher. In the transfer of learning process, accountability for supervision and coaching, for both teachers and employers, seems to be an important element in helping learners adapt more easily to the workplace.