Schoolsmust develop a culture nourished by collegiality, leading administrators and teachers to work together as colleagues while learning from each other and improving their potential, and therefore the potential of the entire team (Gather- Thurler, 2000). This team should function as a learning community where members learn fromeach other and where a variety of people take turns as leaders, depending on the concerns at any given moment. The following question was asked: How can this type of working method be promoted? This article describes research using the causal dynamic to better define factors that would encourage the successful implantation of a professional learning community. The group identified several factors, grouped together as follows: 1) leadership of school administration and teachers, 2) positive attitudes for working in collaboration, such as openmindedness, commitment, the desire to share knowledge and help each other and take risks, the humility to question the status quo, respect for others, trust, 3) resources, 4) time for discussions and exchanges, 5) data on student results. This article also offers school administrators opportunities for reflection on how to transform their roles in order to leave more room for collaborative dialogue.