标题:Türkiye'de Yayınlanan Akademik Dergilerin Niteliklerindeki Zaman İçerisindeki Değişim Nedenleri: Sağlık, Sosyal vr Teknik Bilim Alanlarında Yayınlanan Dergiler Üzerine Bir İnceleme / Reasons of Change in the Essential Properties of Academic Journals Being Published in Turkey: An Investigation upon the Journals of Health, Social and Technical Sciences
摘要:The present study was carried out by using data obtained out of the resulting databases of two data collection attempts concerning academic periodicals published in Turkey -being namely those of 1997-1998 and 2002. The aim of this study was to investigate changes going on last five years in general knowledge, scientific article evaluation and academic writing applications of academic periodicals related to medical sciences, social sciences and physical sciences. It was concluded that academic Turkish periodicals showed improvements according to the criteria of academic promotion (raising) in last five years and that the criteria of academic raising had an positive effect on improving the quantity of scientific studies.