出版社:Government of Western Australia / Department of Fisheries
摘要:The Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery (MAF) targets
more than 250 species of fish under the management plan. By
way of endorsement, fishers also take coral, algae, live rock,
live sand and invertebrates. It is primarily a dive-based fishery
that uses hand-held nets to capture the desired target species
from boats up to 8 metres in length. While the MAF operates
throughout all Western Australian waters, catches are relatively
low in volume, due to the special handling requirements of live
fish. Fishing operations are heavily weather-dependent, due to the
small vessels used and the potentially hazardous conditions (e.g.
waves and swell) encountered. In addition, human constraints
(i.e. physiological effects of decompression) limit the amount of
effort exerted in the fishery, the depth of water and the offshore
extent as to where collections can occur.