This paper analyses and discusses the traditional conception on education-represented here by the individualistic and social perspectives. It also examines the dialectic conception having as reference the psychogenetics theory of Henri Wallon. The different conceptions on educational goals are determined by their understanding of the individual - society relationships. The latter relationships are caracterized as being antinomian according to the traditional conception and as contradictory and dialetic in the walionian perspective. According to Wallon, child development is a product of the social -organic dialectac interaction. This point of view is a rupture with the traditional conceptions on education. It implies a new way of conceptualizing childhood as it takes into account the chiid's social insertion. It only will be possible to the capitalist countries to implement a non - conservative education through the development of a critical analysis of the social realities and models. In this way the integration of the individual - as the suject of education - into culture and humanity may be possible.