Response to Intervention/Instruction (RTI)を基にした,通常の学級における多層指導モデル(Multilayer Instruction Model:MIM 〔ミム〕)の開発を行った。MIMを用いて小学1年生7クラス計208名に行った特殊音節の指導の効果が,学習につまずく危険性のある子どもをはじめ,その他の異なる学力層の子どもにおいてもみられるかを統制群小学1年生31クラス計790名との比較により行った。まず,参加群,統制群を教研式標準学力検査CRT-IIの算数の得点でマッチングし,25,50,75パーセンタイルで区切った4つの群に分けた。次に,パーセンタイルで分けた群内で,教研式全国標準読書力診断検査A形式,MIM-Progress Monitoring (MIM-PM),特殊音節の聴写課題の得点について,参加群と統制群との間で比較した。t検定の結果,4つ全てのパーセンタイルの群で,読み書きに関する諸検査では,参加群が高く,有意差がみられた。参加群の担任教員が行った授業の変容を複数観察者により評価・分析した結果,MIM導入後では,指導形態の柔軟化や指導内容,教材の多様化がみられ,クラス内で約90%の子どもが取り組んでいると評定された割合が2倍近くにまで上昇していた。
The Multilayer Instruction Model (MIM) for general education classes was developed within the framework of a Response-to-Intervention/Instruction (RTI) model. To evaluate the effect of reading and writing instruction on special morae based on the Multilayer Instruction Model, first-grade students (n=208) from 7 general education classes (both successful readers and struggling readers) were given the Multilayer Instruction Model package involving special morae. The control group (790 first-grade students from 31 general education classes) received no specific instruction. Both groups of students were divided into 4 groups according to the percentile rank of their scores on the Criterion Referenced Test-II Mathematics. The Multilayer Instruction Model-Progress Monitoring (MIM-PM), a reading test, and dictation of special morae were conducted. Scores of the students in the 2 groups were compared within their own percentile group. The results indicated that all the percentile groups receiving Multilayer Instruction Model-based instruction performed significantly higher on all the tests concerned with reading and writing skills. The core instruction by those teachers who adopted the Multilayer Instruction Model also improved.