出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We investigate the phase diagram and the baryon mass (MB) in the color SU(Nc = 3) strong
coupling lattice QCD with one species of staggered fermions at finite quark chemical potential
(m) and/or finite temperature (T). In particular, their evolution with the finite coupling (1=g2) is
studied in the next to leading order of the strong coupling expansion. We formulate the treatment
of the temporal plaquette effects by introducing some new kinds of mean fields, which lead to the
suppression of m and the constituent quark mass (mq). These energy scale modifications cause
the following phase diagram evolution: (1) The ratio of the critical value (mc=Tc) becomes closer
to the empirical value. (2) As the coupling decreases, the second order transition at zero chemical
potential evolves to the first order, and the critical temperature Tc is found to be consistent with
lattice Monte-Carlo simulations. The same suppression mechanism of m also modifies the analytic
relation between the baryon mass MB and the critical baryon chemical potential (Ncmc). We show
that the ratio Ncmc=MB grows as the coupling decreases, and this trend may be helpful to form the
nuclear matter in the current frame work.