出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The latest results of an ongoing project for the lattice simulation of QCD with a single quark flavor
are presented. The Symanzik tree-level-improvedWilson action is adopted in the gauge sector and
the (unimproved) Wilson action for the fermion. Results from new simulations with one step of
Stout-smearing (r =0.15) in the fermion action are discussed. The one-flavor theory is simulated
by a polynomial hybridMonte Carlo algorithm (PHMC) at b =4.0 corresponding to a =0.13fm,
on 163 · 32 and 243 · 48 lattices; the box-size is L ≃ 2.1fm and L ≃ 3.1fm, respectively. At the
lightest simulated quark mass the (partially quenched) pion mass is ∼ 300 MeV. The masses
of the lightest bound states are computed, including the flavor singlet scalar and pseudoscalar
mesons ss and hs, the scalar glueball 0++, and the D++ baryon. Relics of SUSY in the mass
spectrum, expected from a large Nc orientifold equivalence with the N =1 supersymmetric Yang-
Mills theory, are discussed.