This collection's editors Christine Pearson Casanave and Xiaoming Li understand how difficult graduate school is, as they too were once graduate students in U. S. universities. Graduate students are expected to participate in the game of academic enculturation, though they often do not see themselves as legitimate players in their academic communities because the rules and expectations are not clearly spelled out and their sociopolitical status is not authoritative. They face challenges and struggles in textual, social, and political arenas. Mitigating those struggles by offering moral support through previously unreported storiesy—the more the bettery—that graduate students and their advisors tell is this book's goal. Casanave and Li hope that such reflections and resultant coping strategies will provide comfort and advice throughout present and future grad students' academic journeys and perhaps help them feel less alone. The book's intended audience embraces graduate students, faculty, and advisors, including both native speakers of English and the so-called marginal groups in English-dominant universities.