摘要:The maximum flow, as a hydrological hazard in the Husnita catchment basin (the right
tributary of the Motru River, the confluence being near the town Strehaia) is generated by abundant
rainfall and, implicitly, by the discharge of water from the slopes and by the adjacent secondary
hydrological systems. Therefore, the maximum flow has the tendency to appear more often during the
spring season (2003, 2006) and summer season (1999, 2005), as a consequence of the increasing
occurrence of weather risk, namely torrential rain. The high intensity floods triggered in small basins, as
that of the Husni.a (310 square kilometres) leave behind major damage.
The maximum water levels and rates registered in a short period of time (during the years 1999, 2004 and
2005) generated the flooding of some households, communal, district and national roads, agricultural
fields as well as the breaking or the damaging of some bridges and footbridges.
关键词:hydrological risk phenomenon, flood wave, maximum annual discharge, maximum monthly level,
drainage area