摘要:The authors present a synthesis of nine epidemiological studies performed in the interval 1988-2000 in areas with a long term-exposure to nitrogenous compounds, pollutants of environment (drinking water and food products). 1488 children (0-3 years) from five districts in eastern Romania were investigated for chronic effects. The selection of study areas has been made based on the incidence rate of infant methemoglobinemia in those districts. The chronic health effects were emphasized by some bioindicators of exposure and effect. The causal relationship has been proved especially by a higher frequency of cases with pathological methemoglobin levels in the exposed children (61.9%) in comparison with those unexposed ones (23.7%). The results were used as criteria for ranking the areas at risk in the East of Romania and also for risk communication ..
关键词:environmental pollution , nitrogenous compounds , epidemiological studies , territories at risk , risk communication