摘要:The region surveyed is located between
30o15¡¯ and 32o15¡¯ south latitude and
50o15¡¯ and 52o05¡¯ west longitude. It is
a quaternary formation consisting of sandy
soil and dunes, with gallery forest
along the shore. Of the 64 sites recorded,
46 are located on dunes (42 precolonial
and 4 historical); 11 are sambaquis
(8 lacustrean and 4 maritime) and
7 are mounds. The following cultural traditions
and artifacts are represented,
from early to late. Umbu: lithics: projectile
points, bola stones, polished stone
axes, flakes, microflakes, scrapers,
hammerstones, net weights, pitted anvil
stones, and pigments; bone: projectile
points; shell: beads. Vieira: lithic,
bone and shell artifacts like Umbu; pottery:
fragments of coarse-tempered
mainly undecorated vessels with simple
shapes. Tupiguarani: lithics: polished
stone axes, grooved and ungrooved polishing
stones, flakes, and cores; pottery:
fragments with plain, corrugated, fingernail
corrugated, fingernail impressed,
brushed, and painted surfaces, simple
and complex vessel shapes, fine and
medium sand temper. Faunal remains
were abundant in the sambaquis and
mounds, with fish bones, terrestrial fauna,
and shells present in the Umbu and
Vieira sites and fish bones and fresh and
salt water shells predominant in Tupiguarani
sites. Estimated dating is ca 5500-
2000 BP for the Umbu Tradition, 2000
to 550 BP for the Vieira Tradition, and
550 BP to mid 18th century AD for the
Tupiguarani Tradition.