摘要:Some recent reports suggest that reproductive traits of
spawning fi sh likely affect recruitment dynamics (Kjesbu
et al., 1996; Marteinsdottir and Thorarinsson, 1998; Slotte
and Fiksen, 2000). In addition, spawning stock biomass
(SSB) is not necessarily proportional to population egg
production because relative fecundity (fecundity/body
weight) may be dependent on the age composition and/or
nutritional condition of spawning fi sh (Hunter et al., 1985;
Trippel et al., 1997; Kjesbu et al., 1998,). Marshall et al.
(1998) also showed that total egg production is a better
index of recruitment potential than SSB for Atlantic cod,
Gadus morhua, indicating the importance of accurate estimation
of egg production to better understand the spawning
- recruitment relationship.