期刊名称:Journal of Environmental Hydrology (ältere Jahrgänge)
摘要:The term hydraulic geometry connotes the relationships between the mean cross-
section geometry (width, depth, cross-section, meander length), and the hydraulic
variables which include the mean slope, mean friction, and mean velocity for a given
influx of water and sediment to the channel and the specified channel boundary
conditions at any cross-section and downstream. The hydraulic geometry relations are
of great practical value in water river temperature modeling. Leopold expressed the
hydraulic geometry relationships for a channel in the form of power functions of
discharge. The Tigris River, which has a length of 1800 km is one of the two main rivers
in Iraq. To describe its hydraulic geometry, a river reach of 202.5 km from Mosul to
Bejee was surveyed using Leopold’s method at maximum, minimum and average
discharges. Manning’s n was also calculated and the effect of these discharges on
width to depth ratio was shown at all these discharges. The results show that there are
different hydraulic geometry characteristics along the river reach with high width to
depth ratio, especially at minimum discharges, and this has affected river water