摘要:Biophysical factors such as epicuticular wax,trichome density and leaf sheath thickness were analysed in the leaf
sheath and laminae of plants treated with organic sources of nutrients. The results revealed that wax content and
trichome density increased in plants as the age of the plant advanced. The difference in epicuticular wax content
was significant among treatments. At 45 DAT, the treatments viz., FYM, biofertilizers, lignite fly ash and neem
cake as basal and in splits and FYM plus neem cake as basal and in splits recorded maximum trichome density of
49.33, 49.67, 49.67 and 48.34 / cm2 leaf respectively. The same trend was also noticed on 60 DAT. On 60 DAT, the
combination of FYM, biofertilizers and neem cake as basal was significantly superior in having maximum wax
content (23.67 mg/g) which was on par with the combination of FYM, biofertilizers, lignite fly ash and neem cake
as basal (22.00 mg / g). Treatments showed significant difference in leaf sheath thickness on 60 DAT. But the
difference was not significant on 30 DAT and it varied from 0.24 to 0.35 mg/mm2 and the leaf sheath thickness was
maximum in the combination of FYM, biofertilizers, lignite fly ash and neem cake in splits which recorded 0.58 mg/
关键词:Biophysical factors; organic sources of nutrents; pests of rice.