摘要:Experiments were carried in pot culture and field to analyse the effect of induced resistance on hopper pests of
rice.The biological traits viz.,oviposition period ,adult emergence, growth index, adult longevity were studied
based on standard procedures on plants imposed with treatments including neem cake, FYM , Azospirillum,
phosphobacterium , silicate solublising bacteria and lignite fly ash. The combination of FYM, three biofertilizers,
lignite fly ash and neem cake applied in splits significantly reduced the incidence GLH (59.13%),WBPH (63.12%)
and BPH(74.545%) as compared to NPK applied as inorganic form. There has been a significant difference existed
among treatments in oviposition period of BPH and WBPH and it ranged from 5.67 to 8.70 and 5.10 to 7.00 days
respectively. The nymphal period was lengthened in the treatments viz., FYM, biofertilizers and neem cake as
basal and in splits and FYM, biofertilizers, lignite fly ash and neem cake as basal and in splits and it was 15.01,
15.23, 15.87 and 15.92 days respectively as against 11.74 days in NPK applied plants. Longevity of BPH and
WBPH varied from 5.00 to 7.15 and 3.70 to 6.15 days respectively.The presence of higher phenol (3.5 and 2.85 mg/
g in stem and leaf), tannin (5.65 and 4.50 mg/g in stem and leaf) and silica (6.20 and 6.46 mg/g in stem and leaf) in
the effective treatments imparted induced resistance through antibiosis mechanism to rice pests which was
evidently proved in the biological traits tested.