摘要:Prevalence of cardiac diseases is on the rise and is at alarming rate in the Indian
subcontinent. Diet, life-style factors and stress are the cardinal factors in the aetio- pathogenesis of
coronary diseases. Other important risk factors are history of smoking, high BP, increased cholesterol
level, diabetes and atherosclerosis, abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, insulin resistance, increased
homocysteine level in blood and increase in fibrinogen with defects in fibrinolysis. Inter-population
differences exist in both the diet and in the socio-cultural factors within and outside the Indian
subcontinent. The dietary pattern, eating and method of cooking vary in different parts of India.
Currently, there is much controversy over the best balance in carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Although
dietary approaches differ in important aspects, they have some recommendations in common: everyone
puts much stress in the value of fiber-rich whole grains, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables, and
when fats are recommended, they are mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Weight control
and exercise are essential components of any diet program. Reduction of all kinds of stress through
stress reduction programmes is beneficial. A combined approach will play a rich dividend in control of
cardiac diseases.