摘要:The paper investigates empirically the decision of firms to adopt Information and Communica-
tion Technologies (ICT) based on a comprehensive specification of a „rank model“ of technology
adoption (complemented by “epidemic effects”) using firm-level data for the Swiss business
sector. The explanatory variables include numerous dimensions of (anticipated) benefits from
and costs of technology adoption allowing for uncertainty as well as for information and adjust-
ment costs. Moreover, the size-dependence of the adoption decision is studied in detail. The
model yields a quite robust pattern of explanation across estimates with different adoption vari-
ables (time period of adoption of specific ICT elements, intensity of use of ICT). Finally, an ex-
tended version of the model explores the role workplace organisation plays as a determinant of
the adoption of ICT.
关键词:Technology Adoption, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Rank
Model of Adoption, Size-dependence of Adoption Decisions, Workplace Organi-
sation and Adoption of ICT