标题:El uso de las TIG para el cálculo del indice de vulnerabilidad costera (CVI) ante una potencial subida del nivel del mar en la costa andaluza (España)
出版社:Grupo de Métodos Cuantitativos, SIG y Teledetección, A.G.E
摘要:The Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) is one of the pioneer methodologies for coastal vulnerability assessment (combination of coastal system susceptibility to change and its natural ability to adapt to a changing environment) to future sea level rise associated to global climatic change. The CVI is an “index or aggregated value” of six variables (geomorphology/geology, slope, shoreline change rates, mean significant wave, relative sea level change and mean tidal range). This paper shows the results of a study intended to apply and adapt the CVI methodology to the coast of Andalusia (Spain). It is focussed on the methodological procedures, especially those linked to: (i) the use of a “geodatabase” for data management and integration; (ii) the use of GIS spatial analysis capabilities for interpolation, ranking and calculation; (iii) the exploration of mapping capabilities of Spatial Information Technologies for delivering the results (3D viewers, web mapping, etc.).
关键词:Coastal Vulnerability Index, sea level rise, geodatabase, GIS, 3D viewer.