摘要:The present research was conducted to assess parental perception towards preschool
education imparted at early childhood education centres. The sample comprised of 200 parents (100
mothers and 100 fathers) with at least one child in the age group of 3 to 6 years. Half of the selected
parents were those who had enrolled their children at anganwadi centers and other half was those
who sent their children to other preschool centers. The results revealed that the parents irrespective
of whether they sent their children to anganwadi or preschools held similar views about the meaning
of preschool education, skills acquired at ECD centers, teaching methodology, and role of ICDS
centers in preschool education. Most parents (81%) thought of preschool education as a combination
of concepts which included an age bound format related to preparation for primary schooling and
provision of learning in an interactive manner. Most parents (25%) felt that children who attend early
childhood development centers (ECD) cultivate good health and hygiene habits, develop preliteracy
skills (19%) and communication skills (16%). Majority of parents perceive that play way approach as
a best method for imparting early childhood education. Significant differences were found among the
awareness of parents regarding ICDS scheme. Most parents were aware about the nutrition facility
only and did not consider these centers are adequately equipped to provide preschool education.
Parents sending their children to regular preschool centers were found to be less aware about ICDS
scheme and its role in preschool education.