标题:Impacto do diabetes mellitus na vida laboral: influência na previdência social loco-regional (gerência de Vitória da Conquista-BA) no período de 2003 à agosto 2007
摘要:Diabetes Mellitus is a universal disease with involvement in the
growing world population, and cause of many complications that
entail loss in quality of life and ability laborativa of people. The
objective of this work was to raise social welfare data (management
of Vit¨®ria da Conquista-BA), on the impact of customers and their
diabetic complications in the generation of benefits and assistance
in the period from 2003 to August 2007. Survey was conducted in the database management of the INSS Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.
Data were collected from the Single Information System program of
Benefits (SUIBE), available from internal computer network
(Intranet). Aiming to restrict the cases to only those that would have
been consedido benefit as a result of diabetes and its complications
or, the search was given, as the International Classification of
Diseases, tenth version (ICD-10), the Pan American Health
Organization and World Organization Health (WHO). The results
showed that the universe of searchable 50798 concerning the
management of Vitoria da Conquista, only 334 were found benefits
related to diabetes and its complications. In all the benefits studied
a marked impact, regardless of sex, with varying degrees of
disability generators of various types of benefits with age 40,07-
56,00 years. It can be concluded with the attainment of this that the
low incidence (0,65%) of benefits arising from diabetes and its
complications, it is probably due to underreporting.
关键词:diabetes mellitus, social security, chronic disease.