摘要:The attention given to the family by staff of the health family serves
as a model reorientador of actions health. Thus, exceeds, in their practices, the concept of health as absence of disease, turned to
actions and curative medical-assistencials, centred on the disease.
Every action is focused on management practices and health,
democratic and participative, in the form of working in teams,
addressed to the people of territories defined, for which the team
takes responsibility. Faced integralizador the role of the health
strategy in the family, it is critical to the co-participation in
conjunction with the other sectors, especially education, embodied
in the form of the school, since it deals directly with children and
young people in full rise in the production of knowledge, they are
endowed with functional capacities “normals” are affected by
diseases that led to the period of hospitalization, or other reason for
his expulsion school, requiring the partnership x school team in the
process of reintegration of the same this environment. Highlight the
role of the health strategy in the family not just in performance on
measures directly related to health, but co-participant in the process
of social and educational inclusion, through partnerships
established with different social and institutional segments,
speaking directly in situations beyond the specificity of the health
sector and have decisive effects on the living conditions of the
individual, family, society. From this co-responsibility and
interdisciplinarity among health professionals and education, health
steps to be understood and experienced not as a mere absence of
disease but a process comprehensive, holistic and integralizador,
thereby establishing networks of care in the care of the childrens
and adolescents. For so much, bibliographical study was used,
when the qualitative study was delimited, through consultations the
magazines, heaps librarians and too many relevant articles as for
the theme.