摘要:Analysis has proven that changes in transatlantic relations largely depend on the changing
organisation, aims and policies of NATO and the EU on the one hand, and the changes in EU–
U.S. relations on the other, with the U.S. being the largest and most powerful NATO state, and
Europe moving towards ever closer integration. Transatlantic relations cannot be thoroughly
analysed without addressing other current global geopolitical changes and possible further
development trends. The euroatlantic community is facing exceptional challenges today. What
changes are possible in the North Atlantic Alliance after September 11? What is the solution to
disagreements over Iraq between the U.S. and some larger EU states? Transatlantic relations are
further complicated by the differences in EU and U.S. economic interests. The EU and the U.S.
are competing on the global markets and the competition is very tough. As their economic
interests differ, European and American policies cannot be completely uniform either; even more
so since policies partly reflect economic interests or indeed serve as an expression of the
economic interests of the parties. The EU and U.S. had common economic interests when they
had a common menacing adversary, and maintenance of political discipline was a prerequisite for
survival. However, the end of the cold war period gave way to growing differences between the
U.S. and the strengthening European political voice.