摘要:The present study approaches a series of
geomorphological aspects specific to hydrographic
basins of small sizes which, in certain circumstances,
favor the occurrence of floods having major effects
upon the human settlements. We focused our attention
on three neighboring hydrographical basins, located in a
mountainous area in the north of the Romanian
Carpathians, where on the 24th
of July 2008, following
some heavy rains, there occurred major floods.
Although the three rivulets the Valea Seacă, the Izvorul
Alb and theValea Caselor are tributaries on the right
side of the Moldova river, the behaved differently
during the above mentioned flood. The particularity is
that within the Izvorul Alb hydrographic basin the
maximum flow during the flood was two time lower
than in the case of the other two basins between which it
is located. Given the fact that the quantity of
precipitations received by all three basins did not differ
and the physical-geographical features are similar, there
was performed the morphometric analysis of all three
hydrographical basins in order to outline the
morphometric variables with a role in the concentration
of the runoff: the surface, the slope, the roundness, the
shape coefficient, etc. The conclusion drawn from this
case study is that the asymmetry of the basin is an
essential parameter in making the difference in respect
to the behavior of small hydrographical basins during
the formation of exceptional floods.