摘要:The present study aims at rendering the way
the geomorphologic features of the eastern and
northeastern regions of the Romanian Plain, influenced
by the subsidence movements, is reflected in the soil
cover. For its achievement, there was used Romania
Soil Map, 1:200 000 scale and field mapping,
inventorying the soil cover at the level of class, type
and, partially, subtype.
In the mentioned area located between the Argeş and the
Siret, besides the soils (chernozems, phaeozems, reddish
preluvosols) the genesis of which is triggered by the
bioclimatic conditions characteristic to steppe, forest
steppe and nemoral zone, there also develop soils with
azonal and intrazonal character.
Thus, the presence of large floodplains imposed the
noticeable extension of the soils developed on recent
fluviatile deposits (alluviosols). At the same time, the
altitude and reduced relief intensity impose an increased
phreatic level, which is mineralized in many areas and,
consequently, certain soils are affected by
hydromorphism (Gleysols and gleyic subtypes) and
salinization (solonchaks and salinic subtypes, solonetz
and alkalic subtypes). Another characteristic of the
studied region is linked to the presence of certain soils
buried under alluvial and proluvial deposits.
The calculation of the topographical-pedogenetic index
(Florea, 1997), as a rapport between non-zonal and
zonal soils, emphasizes the pregnant influence of the
local conditions from the Buzău and the Lower Siret
subsidence plains compared to a series of higher plains
(Râmnic, Galaţi).